
The massacre of the Wang Fu temple


PF Archive
Hello, thanks for stopping by, unfortunatelly as of now (and for the past couple years) due to circumstances that i've tried explaining myself until the point of utter failure, my involvement with the furry community has dropped completelly.

I would like to say fare well, to everyone in PF. Specially Whiplash, who granted me with the blessing of being an admin for so long, giving me the chance to meet so many people.

I would like to thank, Darke, Hurtful, Tex, Shar, Dr. Kay, Mapper, Cirrel, Nite, Lala, Silver, for doing their best to try to stick with me during the moments of utter shit that i've been going thru.

I would not like to thank everyone else who made up their mind without even asking what the fuck is going on.

Call it drama, call it whatever the fuck you want. Lul at if if you wish, or put witty status messages on skype or yahoo trying to make a point. At least i tried, and failed most of the times, but i'm not sitting in a fucking fence pointing fingers, i got the scars and experience to make my own decisions, and call bullshit whenever i smell it.

This is not a good bye from the fandom, this is just a so long from Planetfurry. Something i believed in for a good chunk of my life, but unfortunatelly i just dont want to spend time on.

This is the only content that will be left here.

My archive and upcomming projects will be hosted elsewhere. Hopefully someplace with no forums. Since i grew to dislike them so much.

Thanks for the past 10 years, its been a wild ride. Hopefully with more to come.

See ya'll online.
Posted on 09 Dec 2006 by Maxx
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